About Rachel

17 years of Rachel Joy-Her short, but fulfilled life.
She came on this earth, on August 5, 1981 in Littleton, CO. She grew up having a pretty normal life, expect for her parents divorce, whe she was younger. She was a very ambitious person, even at a young age. She never demanded much attention, although at times she could be qutie "dramatic". She was very drvien towards God. She kept journals, which she wrote her many feelings to God. Times weren't always easy for Rachel. Because of her faith for God, She forced herself to break up with her much-loved boyfriend, and five of her closest friends turned away from her because she talked so openly about her faith in God. These were the very people to whom she wanted with all her heart to show Christ’s love. Rachel didn't let those things get her down. She always thought of others brefore herself.She was tring to make everyone feel welcomed. She would go out of her way to help people. She really wanted to make a difference in the world, and that she did. She had a certain inkling in her, that knew she would die at an early age. Just at the age of 13, she wrote on the back of an old dresser, in her basement, "These hands belong to Rachel Scott, and they will someday touch millions of peoples' hearts". She was an aspiring actress, and writer. She was an avid attender of the youth group at her church, Celebration Christian Fellowship church.
The Day of Tragedy
On April 20, 1999 Rachel's life would be changed forever. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold showed up at Columbine High school, at which they were seniors at, and opened a shooting rampage. It resulted in being the largest school shooting in the U.S! At 11:10AM the 2 arrived at Columbine in seperate cars. At 11:19AM they began their shooting spree. Rachel, and her friend Richard were first to be shot. They were sitting in front of the school eating their lunches, when they were approached by the 2 gunmen. Without warning, they shot at Rachel and Richard, hitting Rachel in both legs and her chest. Dylan asked her if she believed in God. she replied with, "you know I do". Eric picked her up by the hair, and said "then go be with him", and shot her in the temple killing her instantly. 14 other people were killed that day, including the gunmen(they killed themselves), and 23 were injured.
Her Story did not end there. Rachel's car (red Acura) became a shrine for mourning, covered with teddy bears, flowers, and signs. Soon every news station was there to cover the story. Rachel's funeral was most watched tv program, which aired on CNN, even topping Princess Diana's funeral! The news crew stayed at the school for two weeks of coverage, but no one really saw what happened after the cameras left. Littleton was left to pick up the pieces. For many people it was hard. All they could do was grieve, and find ways to pass the time. Within three months of Rachel's death, her father Darrell started speaking about his daughters amazing story. More than many have been touched by her amazing story. Just like Rachel wanted, many people have turned back to God, and have changed their lives forever. A month after Rachel's funeral, a man named Frank from North Dakota, called Darrell. He told Darrell about a dream he had, where he saw Rachel's eyes crying tears onto a rose. Darrell told him he didn't know what it meant. Just days later, the police came to the Scotts' house to give the parents Rachel's backpack, since it had been held for evidence. Darrell knew Rachel had a journal, so they opened her backpack. They found a notebook, that had been torn by a bullet. They opened the notebook, and looked at it. On the last page there happened to be a picture drawn by Rachel. Sure-enough it was of her eyes crying 13 tears (for each victim at Columbine), which landed on a rose gowing out of a columbine plant. This picture was drawn less than 45 min. before her death! Many other things have been happening. It shows that Rachel is watching over us.